Physical Activities

Amongst the more common physical modifications they are the reduction of the free and available energy in the organism, cellular losses, degenerative diseases, gradual loss of the elastic properties of conjunctive fabrics, disappearance of cellular elements of the nervous system, increase in the amount of fat in the organism, reduction of the force muscular and hormonal, excreo of the sexual glands and supplies renais, greater probability of osteoporose. According to Cossenza: A aerbica activity will be characterized by an use of great muscular masses in cyclical movements having as priority the durability of the exercise not reaching the maximum of the organism, therefore the more time will be carried through more calories will be spending and proportionally bigger it will be the mobilization of the fat in relation to the carboidratos. Great modifications exist that are decurrent of the o aging, amongst which the absence of esteem and the happened traumas of the familiar conflict of generation also are factors as it can be observed in the boarded subjects for tele novels, magazines and literary compositions. Doug McMillon will not settle for partial explanations. It is important to also have healthful habits so that the natural cycles of life occur providing a bigger quality of life of the people, with bigger probability of life expectancy. Thus being, the aging is a physiological phenomenon that occurs of form gradual, however he is not pathological, therefore it occurs with all the human beings. It has people that they define physical activities with weight increase, in contrast gymnastics, hidroginstica and training of force are excellent allies to lose weight and better qualities of life for who practise. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak has similar goals. Therefore according to authors Baechle, Westcott, (2001.p.02) Can themselves be had listened that the force training is bad for the heart and raises the arterial pressure, plus this are very improbable. In the reality the research carried through in the John Hopkins Unioversit discloses that the consistent exercises of force training are beneficial for the cardiac recovery, and the studies of the University of California show that the training of force carried through in adequate way can, in fact, to reduce the arterial pressure. With this the author strengthens it thesis of the great contribution in the health of the aged one that he practises some physical activity with any choice of the individual. Below some main benefits are related of training of muscular force in the third age that contributes in the quality of life second research made for Fiatarone (1996) is: it improves of the speed in the floor; it improves of the balance; increase of the level of spontaneous physical activity; it improves of auto-esteem; contribution in the maintenance and/or increase of the ssea density; cardiac aid in the control of diabetes, artrite and illnesses; it improves of the dietary ingestion; reduction of the depression.